E- commerce website design programming language definitions


A small text files, also known as a website cookies is anessential method of identifying and tracking online consumer activity. Cookies on your hard drive can presist for one online session to indefinitely (Miyazaki, 2008).


The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used to structure and format documents for presentation on the Web. Without HTML document will not have structure or formating. An HTML  is simply a new level of ASCII (American Standrad Code for Information) text file. With HTML, ASCII document is marked up with standardized tags in order to provide structure to the text (Barry, 1994).  


According to Robbins (2012, pp.12), Cascading style sheets is a tool responsable of page presentation, menainig, font, style, line spacing, colours and so on. CSS also provides methods of controlling how documents will be persented on a smaller width screens, not only on traditional desktop browser. Although, it is possible to publish web pages using only HTML, for more advanced style you will want to use style sheets.


Javascript, Ruby and Python, are widely used programming languages. Python is easy to learn and understand. It is dynamically typed language, meaning, you dont have to specify data type of each variable. Javascript is platform independed, dynamically typed language, used mostly for web page and application development. Ruby is an advanced level programming language, mainly used to create web applications.


User inteface (UI) it is a human and computer interaction and comunication (Stone et al, 2005, pp. 3-5).


Page source is the code of a Web page (Brain, 2000).


Meta tags are pieces of text what describes page content, it can be found in page source code. (Patel and Gaharwar, 2018).


Jquery is a small Javascript library (Pradhan, 2022).


 Hyperlink, also known as a link, is a digital reference that will guide user to different web page or object (Computer hope, 2022)


Brain, M. (2000)  Howstuffworks. Available at:<https://computer.howstuffworks.com/web-page.htm> (Accessed: 29 January 2023).

Barry, J. (1994) " The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and the World-Wide Web: raising ASCII text to a new level of usability" The Public Access Computer Systems Review 5(5). Available at: The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and the World-Wide Web: Raising ASCII Text to a New Level of Usability (tdl.org) (Accessed: 15 January 2023).

Computer hope (2022). Available at: What is a Hyperlink? (computerhope.com) (Accessed: 15 January 2023).

Miyazaki, A.D. (2008) "Online privacy and the disclosure of cookie use: effects on consumer trust and anticipated patronage" Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 27(1), pp. 19-33. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1509/jppm.27.1.19 (Accessed: 15 January 2023).

Patel, B.V. and Gaharwar, R.D.(2018)  "Search engine optimization (SEO) using HTML Meta-Tags" International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 4(9), pp.298-302. Available at:4777-libre.pdf (d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net) (Accessed: 20 January 2023).

Pradhan, S. (2022) Geeksforgeeks, Available at: jQuery | Introduction - GeeksforGeeks (Accessed: 20 January 2023).

Robbins, J. N. (2012) Learning Web Design. Fourth edition. Sebastopol: O'Reilly Media.

Stone, D. Jarrett, C. Woodroffe, M. and Minocha, S. (2005) User interface design and evaluation. Elsevier. pp Available at: User Interface Design and Evaluation - Debbie Stone, Caroline Jarrett, Mark Woodroffe, Shailey Minocha - Google Books  (Accessed: 15 January 2023).


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