Who invented Online Shopping/E-commerce & WWW

Online shopping was invented in 1979 by businissman named Michael Aldrich. However, it was slightly different system which was a private TV connection to a telephone line. In 1980 Michael Aldrich launched Redifon's Office Revolution, which permit customer to be connected online and business transactions to be carried out electronically (Saravanan and Devi, 2015).

Very first Web was invented by scientist Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. In early 1989s, it was designed for universities and scientists to exchange with the information easily. After changing the structure, it became available for everyone, however, it was still very "raw" with small database, allowing user only to search for the information. With every release, WWW has been improved, database increased and made easier for users to use (Jacksi and Abass, 2019).


Jacksi, K. and Abass, S.M. (2019) "Development history of the world wide web" International journal of  scientific and technology research. 8(9), pp.75-79. Available at: Development-History-Of-The-World-Wide-Web.pdf (researchgate.net) (Accessed: 19 January 2023).

Saravanan, S. and Devi, K.B.(2015) "A study on online buying behaviour with special reference to Coimbatore City" International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management, 4(1), pp.988-995. Available at: A_Study_On_online_Buying_Behaviour-libre.pdf (d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net) (Accessed: 19 January 2023).


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