Documentation of progress in Website Development (using Wix). Meta tags.

If you want to know more about Meta tags you can search in my blog, post with title "Meta tags" where I explained what it is and its types. This post will describe how I improved my SEO in Wix.
In dashboard under Marketing & SEO is option SEO. It opens a window (1) where you must follow instructions, also, they attached few videos about SEO and Meta tags.
It gives you step-by-step tasks to insert Meta tags to your website. First it will ask brands name and to enter a few key words to describe your website and location, it gives you some tips too (2). My keywords was: Custum T-shirts in Leicester, cheap T-shirts, unique T-shirts, fast delivery T-shirts and good quality T-shirts.


Afterwards, in step one you need to describe your home page by using few keywords you entered at the beginning and  brands name (3).

Then it will ask you to choose your title from key words you used before, I chose "Unique T-shirts" (4).


Lastly, I added description and title to Women, Men and New T-shirt section. I could not finish this task as it requires to buy a Premium subscription, hire a specialist and to link your social media.  (5 & 6). In general, if you looked at my posts about Meta tags and followed through this post, you can see, that Meta tags is all about using correct keywords to improve SE results. Wix is making this task easy and understandable.



As an example, for page "New" on my website, I have added description tag where I included keywords and title tag (7). Same types of tags I added to Women and Men page (8 & 9).





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