Examples and anlysis of product pages

Product page is a page of the service or goods what is used to  chose and complete purchases (Andrews, 2019).

Especially these days when people prefer to shop online, product page pays significant role as it reflects the business. With well-designed page business can keep customers satisfied and increase sales.

Product pages contain many elements and on eof the main points are are:

  • Clear product description- description should cover all the information about the product to catch the attention and leave consumer confident about your product.
  • "Clean" design- will allow consumers focus on main parts of the page.
  • Product categories- it makes easier to find specific product, allows buyer to see what website offers (Andrews,  2019).
After clarifying few of the product page elements, I will analyse two product pages, one well designed and one website wich would need some adjustments, based on information above.

Vista print website

In the photo of product page, we can see that they are using clean design, white background, and main focus stays on the product (1). Each product is well described and more information of each individual item is available by clicking on it (2 & 3). 



Products are categorised by brand, gender, style and material (4).


This is an example of well designed website where customer would feel comfortable to make purchases. 

Penny cray on website

Images are small and description text is hard to read (1). It is categorised, however, categories are not clear, for example, heavyweight t-shirt, alternative t-shirt and so on (2). Also, when you click on the item, product is described poorly (3).





Andrews, A. (2019) Key Elements for Creating Product Pages. Available at: Key Elements for Creating Product Pages (smartbugmedia.com) (Acessed: 11 February 2023)


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