SDL, it's methodoligy, benefits and key stages.

Software development life cycle (SDLC) is the method used to develop software. Software developers use it to develop softwares that meets the required standards (optimased for ultimate user comfort), in time and for a better price (Mishra and Dubey, 2013). 

As shown in diagram below, any software development life cycle model generally includes the following phases, however, for the bigger projects these phases may be broken down into smaller step (Mishra and Dubey, 2013). 

(Authors work)

There are many SDLC models, and each business is choosing one that suits them the most. For example, Waterfall model is an "old fashion" and not widely used anymore, as this model require to establish whole set of criteria at the outset of a project, therefore, is limiting developers on design. Rest of the models have evolved from Waterfall, but gives more freedom and flexibility. Prototyping model is built to allow customers a peek even without the finishing touches, to improve software based of feedbacks (James, 2020).


James, N (2020) The Software Development Life Cycle: Benefits, Stages, And Models. Availabe at: The Software Development Life Cycle: Benefits, Stages, And Models - DZone (Accessed 15 february 2023).

Mishra, A. and Dubey, D. (2013) "A comparative study of different software development life cycle models in different scenarios" International Journal of Advance research in computer science and management studies, 1(5). Availabe at: V1I5-0008-libre.pdf ( (Accessed 15 february 2023).


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