Database and its concepts

Data base

Client database list is a smart, interactive contact list. Database contains important data about the clients, including emails, phone numbers and past purchases. The database promotes client retention and base growth while giving visibility into customers who are purchasing your goods or services.

One of the main advantages of having a customer database list is ability to see prior clients, who are most likely to make future purchases from you and make sales decisions that are better informed. Also, by learning important information about consumers you can influence your sales decision. You might discover, for instance, that one of your goods is well-liked by people between ages of 18 and 29. The product then may be advertised in social media platforms where younger consumers are more incline to visit. You will have a clearer strategy for upselling and enhancing your companies performance thanks to the database insights. (Davie-Martin, 2021).

Database keys

"A “key” is a field in a table that is used in the identification of that record" (Brumm, 2022).

There are  few different types of keys:

  • Primary key
  • Natural key
  • Surrogate key
  • Composite key
  • Alternate key
  • Unique key
  • Foreign key

Each key have its advantages and requirements, for instance, a primary key is one or more columns in a table that are used to specifically identify a row and it has to be unique, there cannot be another  identical value as a primary key. A foreign key is a column or group of columns in one table that relate to the primary key in another table. It is needed, for example, if costumer has multiple accounts in the bank and in one of the accounts he have changed his name, he will still be identified by a unique code- primary key (Brumm, 2022).


Brumm, B. (2022) Datastar. Available at: Database Keys: The Complete Guide (Surrogate, Natural, Composite & More) - Database Star (Accessed: 14 March 2023).

Davie-Martin, M. (2021) Xero. Available at: Why building a customer database is good for business | Xero Blog (Accessed: 14 March 2023).


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